Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year... New Realizations

2014 is a year I've thought about forever. For a silly reason though... My birthday is on October 14th, so I always it would be cool when the year and day are the same. I also thought it was completely awesome when I turned 14 on the 14th. Don't judge me!! 

Life is flying by... And the years are all a blur. This is why I want to (need to) maintain this blog... For me. When I first started it, I tried to measure it against that of bloggers who had developed their blogs for a long time and I thought, I could never be so clever/creative!! Writing a blog post became stressful and I quickly strayed from it. However, now this blog is for ME and the family that I encourage to read it. If I gain followers, that will be great. But if not, I'm ok with that. It will serve as memories for us, even when we're old and gray. 

So in 2014, I want to record my matter how boring they may be. It will be ok if the font isn't all the same or every post doesn't have a relevant picture. The title of the post won't always be the coolest thing since sliced bread...and that's ok too.

Coming up... Memories of 2013.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Foot Prison!!!

So, one month ago today, I had surgery on my right foot to correct a painful bunion!! They are hereditary and I got them from my dad (Thanks Daddy!). I'll spare you from the feet pictures, but just know that it was a pretty big bunion.

The pain lasted for about two weeks post op. I was able to keep most of it at bay with the pain meds.

The worst part about the whole ordeal is what I call FOOT PRISON! I've been in a walking boot for a whole month now...including sleeping in it to protect my foot as the bones fuse together around the pin.

Ever tried to get outfits to match with a big black boot??

I did, however, add my girly touch to it!!

I have one more week of this boot 24/7. Starting next Wednesday, I can wear a tennis shoe half the day. It will be heaven on earth, I do believe.

I still have to get the left foot done (November/December) but I am so happy to now be on my journey to pain-free feet!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The past six months...

I can't believe the last post I blogged was about the Olympics!! I apologize to my *very small* portion of the blog-o-sphere. I'm going to try and get back on track. I now have a fancy iPad and will be getting an iPhone soon, so it may be easier to keep up with this!

Since July, A LOT has happened...
-We moved out of our apartment and into my mom's house while waiting for our house to close.
-We bought our FIRST HOUSE!  (post to come later)
-We vacationed to Nashville.
-Our first Christmas was nice.
-J deployed.
-We celebrated our first wedding anniversary via Skype (I'll post on that too).
-I'm still in school... graduation in DECEMBER!!
-I planted a garden!! (A VERY SMALL one).

And because what is a post without a pic?? Enjoy this sneak peek... 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Go Team USA!

The Bradley household (AKA "apartmenthold") has caught the Olympic fever. It's bad y'all! We have even started calling the athletes by their first names!! Seriously...we sit on the couch all night (and afternoon, since we're being honest) and watch these athletes do their thing! I blame it on our fierce American pride, lol!  But seriously, it is awesome. 


My heart broke for Jordyn Weiber last night....the best gymnasts should qualify to compete in the all-around, not a limit of two per country. Hey, it's not our fault we brought a superteam to London!! I really hope all those female gymnasts got all their bobbles and oversteps out of them last night....there seemed to be a lot!  Also, let's hope Michael Phelps get at least one gold medal!

In other news, our inspection on the house is in a little over an hour...I am SOO anxious about it! I've been slightly glued to Holmes Inspection and Holmes on Homes lately!  Please keep us in your prayers.

Hubs and I are greatly enjoying our time together. We were able to go out for a few drinks on Friday night with some friends I used to work with. We had a great time and even happened to be in a "watering hole" with lots of TVs when USA was shown on the opening ceremonies. The cheer from the patrons in the bar was so impressive and made me proud to be an American!

Hope y'all have a good day! Stay tuned for news on our house!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hubby's Home!!!

Hello bloggy world!! I'm back and I've missed catching up so much!! However....I can explain my absence....which is only the best feeling in the world...
Taken the night he got home!
My husband is home!!!

J has been home for almost the same amount of time that we were married before his deployment, so now we are approaching "uncharted marriage land"!  Today marks 5 months since our wedding...almost half a year! It's been amazing having someone live with me again....getting to wake up beside him and having him there in the middle of the night. There is always something to do when he's home, even if it's just watching movies on the couch with him.

Since he's been home, we found and put an offer in on a house. The seller accepted and our inspection should be sometime this week! So ready to get out of this apartment!

I also finished my summer semester yesterday...sooo happy to have another semester behind me.

We have a vacation coming up next week, so I'll fill y'all in on that, as well as what we've been doing lately! 

P.S. I promise not to disappear again and can't wait to catch up on what all of y'all have been up too!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Saturday Morning...

Good morning sunshines!! Just wanted to share my Saturday Morning...
Yes, I watched the sunrise while studying, cup of coffee in hand. No, this is NOT a normal occurrence! Blame it on night shift.....I'm becoming a terrible insomniac!  However, I'm typically not a morning person, and when I work my two weeks of day shift, I'm always reminding myself I will get to "sleep in" again soon when I switch back to nights.

So, on mornings like this one, when my poor little internal clock is saying HUH?!....I decided to make the most of it and get a little bit of studying in so I can enjoy a few hours at the beach later! 

Now...I'm actually headed out for a run....yes, my body is about to be REALLY confused!! 

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I'm Loving...

Just wanted to share a few things I'm loving right now...

Have you seen this monogrammed debit card on Pinterest?? This is definitely pinned on the "My Style" board for me!!
Well...guess who is getting her own in a few days???
Oh yes y'all, I'm getting my own monogrammed debit card! I CAN'T WAIT! It should be here sometime next week. The best two's pink (!!) and it has my new last name! 

I've been in one of those moods lately where I really listen to song lyrics, and I'm a big country music fan. I'm loving the new CD from Lee Brice... His new album is called Hard 2 Love.  It's been one of my favorites lately.  Go to iTunes and check it out! 

I'm not giving up on my FAVORITE though...Luke!! I love me some Luke Bryan (my friends and husband will immediately agree to this). He is SUCH a performer and a Georgia boy....what more could you ask for? He also gave a shout out to his wife at the CMA awards....yep, a winner.

Best outfit in a country music video? Eric Church in Springsteen....hands down. He can ROCK that American flag scarf!!

And the movie I can't wait to see..... Magic Mike! I don't even care if it has a plot... it has Channing a stripper. 'Nuff said...

 ( are welcome!!) :-)

I just realized I think it's time for my husband to come home....crushing on celebrities?!  Apparently, my mind thinks I'm thirteen years old again.